These pics will help you feel closer the big day, learn more about the history, and watch in advance a little bit of what the south of spain can offer you.


This bullring was built 600 years ago, and can hold 14.000 spectators.
Was built because before these kind of shows used to be done in the streets, and they decided to develop the old Cavalry Mastranza ( a nobility title club related to horse breeding, don´t forget that right after the arabs, the spanish horses are the best in the world ).
So the last club of Cavalry Maestranza would become the new Plaza de Toros of la Maestranza, that can be seen today with baroque style.

SEVILLA- La Giralda

When we want to refer to the sevillian Cathedral, we always name it La Giralda.
La Giralda is the name of the tower, once minaret of an arab mosque built on roman ruins.

It was the second biggest arab minaret in the ancient times of the arab conquest. The first one was in Bagdad.

The rest of the cathedral nowadays is christian, nothing else remains from the arab times.

It is called La Giralda after the weather vane on top that used to spin around a lot. After all, spining in spanish is "girar".

SEVILLA- Torre del oro

La Torre del Oro, or the Golden Tower, is one of the last buildings remaining from the arab times in Spain, around 1300 years ago, give or take a hundred years. It is said that was covered in gold, therefore the name, but as history has taught us, these things hardly make it to our times intact. Still is an outstanding monument, worth a visit. It is also said that this tower was part of the protective walls of the once so called Hispalis.

SEVILLA- Plaza de España

Now try to remember the movie The Clone War, from the STAR WARS saga. Difficult? I thought as much.. Have a look at these lovely pics that some guy or another did for us, specially the last one and you will soon identify this magical spot of Sevilla. Once there,an interesting walk will transport us some centuries ago...


The trip starts in Atocha, Madrid.
We will enjoy a nice and easy trip by train in AVE, and after 2 h 45 min, we will set foot in Sevilla, a city of nearly 3.000 years of history.